Book your stay
Advantages of direct booking

Enjoy the maximum exclusivity and comfort of BLESS Hotel Ibiza with our Day Pass.

At BLESS Hotel Ibiza, we offer you the opportunity to have an exclusive experience through our Day Pass, designed to offer you the best of our services in a single day. Enjoy the comfort and luxury of our Balinese beds at Epic Infinity Lounge or LLUM Premium Club, where relaxation is combined with amazing views and a unique atmosphere. If you are looking to stay active, our fitness room is available to you, while our wellness proposal will allow you to enjoy moments of complete serenity and rejuvenation. Additionally, you can begin your day with a delicious breakfast or elevate your experience with our exclusive LLUM Experience, which combines gastronomy and the essence of Ibiza due to its location on the shore of the Mediterranean sea.

Enjoy an unforgettable day at BLESS Hotel Ibiza.


Time: 12h - 19h
Includes: Day Pass adapted to your needs 
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