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Learn how we use cookies to improve your browsing experience. In this section we explain what data we gather, how we use it and how you can manage your preferences.

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This cookie policy has the purpose of clearly and precisely informing you of the cookies used by this website of PALLADIUM GESTIÓN S.L. with address at Avenida Bartolomé Roselló, 18, 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands).


This website uses cookies and/or similar technology to store and recover information during your browsing.

A cookie is a small fragment of text that the website you visit sends to the browser, allowing the website to remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to facilitate your next visit and make the site easier to use. Cookies perform a very important role and contribute to very diverse purposes, such as, for example, recognising you as a user, obtaining information on your browsing habits, and personalising the way in which content is shown.

  • Technical cookies: These allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and to use the different options or services existing on it, such as, for example, monitoring traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access sections, remembering the items that make up an order, undertaking the purchase process of an order, undertaking the request for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for playing videos or sound, or sharing content through social networks.
  • Personalisation cookies: These allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria on the user’s terminal, such as, for example, language, type of browser through which the service is accessed, regional configuration from which the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: These are cookies processed by us or by third parties, allowing us to quantify the number of users and thereby carry out measurement and statistical analysis of how users use the service offered. To do so, browsing on our website is analysed in order to improve the range of products or services offered.
  • Third-party cookies: The Website may use third-party services that gather information for statistical purposes, on use of the Site by the user, and for provision of other services related with the activity of the Website and other Internet services.

In particular, this Website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., with address in the United States with central headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the provision of these services, cookies are used to gather the user’s information, including the IP address, which will be transmitted, processed and stored by Google under the terms established on the website This includes the potential transmission of this information to third parties due to legal requirements or when these third parties process the information for Google.

Lawfulness of the processing

The legal basis for processing is your consent (free, specific, informed and unequivocal). You may withdraw your consent, following the instructions in the following section.

Form of accepting, rejecting, withdrawing consent or deleting cookies

You may allow or block cookies, as well as delete your browsing data (including cookies) from the browser that you use. Consult the options and instructions that your browser offers to do so. Take into account that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser options.

International data transfers

For own cookies without international transfers, the information stored will not entail an international transfer. However, there are some own cookies that may entail an international transfer; in any case, this transfer will be carried out in compliance with the appropriate guarantees in accordance with article 44 and following of the GDPR, and specifically to countries which have an adequacy finding, or to companies or entities affiliated with the Privacy Shield agreement.

Creation of automated profiles with legal purposes

In case of us undertaking automated analysis of profiles with cookies and legal effects arising, this information will be detailed in the Privacy Policy.

Other information required by article 13 of the GDPR

Forming part of the duty of information required by article 13 of the GDPR, we refer you to the Privacy Policy to inform you of:

a) the identity and contact data of the data controller, and if applicable, their representative;

b) the contact data of the data protection officer, if applicable;

c) the existence of the right to request from the data controller access to the personal data regarding the data subject, its rectification or deletion, or the limitation of its processing, or to oppose processing, as well as the right to data portability;

d) the right to file a claim before a control authority;

e) the existence of automated decisions, including the creation of profiles, referred to in article 22, sections 1 and 4, and at least in such cases, significant information on the logic applied, as well as the importance and consequences expected of this processing for the data subject.
